The village
Somogygeszti is a quiet village situated in the province Somogy and lies between Lake Balaton (approx. 45 km) and the city of Kaposvár (approx. 25 km). Coming from Lake Balaton on the main road number 67 in the direction of Kaposvár you take a right turn in Mernye and just follow the road to the right until you reach Somogygeszti. The village has about 500 inhabitants en owns 1 bar or community centre and 2 small supermarkets. The village further owns a school, a football field, a castle), a manege and of course a church. The flowersbeds next to the streets are well taken care of. As you pass the castle (about 3 minutes from the camping) you find the manege.
The word "geszti" probably stems from the word "gesztenye" (chestnut). It may well be that in the old days there were a lot of chestnut trees around the village. Around the village you can find many corn fields. Although no walking routes are set out, the surroundings of the village are well suitable for longer or shorter walks. Due to the small hills the roads, fields and woods around Somogygeszti are a challenge for mountainbikers.